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[MOR]≫ Descargar Free The Nietzsche-Wagner Correspondence - edition by Elizabeth Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Friedrich Nietzsche. Politics & Social Sciences eBooks @ .

The Nietzsche-Wagner Correspondence - edition by Elizabeth Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Friedrich Nietzsche. Politics & Social Sciences eBooks @ .

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Elizabeth Nietzsche gives us many insights into these dimensions of their relationship, in her book The Nietzsche-Wagner Correspondence; but Elizabeth herself is not to be entirely trusted as an accurate analyst of her brother's life. We have to remember that Wagner was essentially the same age as Nietzsche's father and that the latter had died when Nietzsche was only five years old. Nietzsche's whole family was strongly Christian and strictly moralistic. As a young man, Nietzsche embraced music and classics probably very much in the mood of the "naive artist" described in Birth of Tragedy. It seems clear that he had no social experiences with women of his age and was naive about male-female relationships. Imagine, then, the impact of finding Wagner, a genius whom he had admired through his early works and writings, living outrageously with the young wife of Hans von Buelow in Tribschen, the beautiful country house in Switzerland's lake country. Between Schopenhauer and at least three major affairs with married women, Wagner embraced atheism and immoralism. Wagner had been a political exile for twenty years and was author of numerous revolutionary tracts on music, the theater, and the future of German culture. It was not only a heddy experience, being welcomed into the family of a genius of huge proportions, but it also had to be a profound social-sexual revolution for Nietzsche, who certainly became infatuated with Cosima, an attractive woman in her early thirties.

From Genoa, in February 1882, Nietzsche wrote to his sister, "Certainly those were the best days of my life, the ones I spent with him at Tribschen . . . But the omnipotence of our tasks drove us apart, and now we cannot rejoin one another --- we have become estranged. I was indescribably happy in those days, when I discovered Wagner! I had sought for so long a man who was superior to me and who actually looked beyond me. I thought I had found such a man in Wagner. I was wrong. Now I cannot even compare myself to him --- I belong to a different world." (Middleton, Selected Letters . . ., 180) Only six months later, Nietzsche revisited the site of Tribschen with Paul Ree and Lou Salome, Nietzsche told Lou, "I have suffered so much because of this man and his art. It was a long, long passion; I find no other word for it. The required renunciation, the necessary return to myself belong to the hardest and most melancholic experiences of my life." And Lou observed that Nietzsche's eyes were full of tears. What was involved in Nietzsche's commentaries on Wagner was by no means mere criticism of the master; it was Nietzsche's own intellectual and psychological growth.

The Nietzsche-Wagner Correspondence - edition by Elizabeth Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Friedrich Nietzsche. Politics & Social Sciences eBooks @ .

Product details

  • File Size 1581 KB
  • Print Length 334 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1478346698
  • Publication Date February 18, 2014
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00IJJ69F4

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The Nietzsche-Wagner Correspondence - edition by Elizabeth Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Friedrich Nietzsche. Politics & Social Sciences eBooks @ . Reviews

This collection of correspondence is edited by Nietzsche’s sister, Elizabeth Foerster-Nietzsche.

Columnist H.L. Mencken wrote in his very helpful Introduction to this volume, “The Nietzsche-Wagner quarrel… is made so clear by this correspondence that little remains to be said about it. The underlying cause of it was simple and inescapable Nietzsche grew so vastly during the years that the two men were together that it was quite impossible for him to go on as a mere satellite, even of a Wagner. It is to the credit of Wagner’s discernment that he saw almost instantly the great ability of the younger man; it is to the shame thereof that his valuation of it stopped far short of the reality… Among equals there can be no disciples. Wagner regarded Nietzsche as flighty and incomprehensible, and Nietzsche regarded Wagner as half a charlatan.”

His sister states, ‘Whenever [Wagner’s wife] Cosima indulged in pathos of this sort, Wagner usually applied a counteractant in the shape of some sarcastic, atheistic remark, which never failed to give offense to my brother. For however free and unprejudiced he was in his own views on religion, my brother possessed too much tact willfully to hurt others. As a matter of fact, his own extremely liberal views were not generally known at that time. In later years, he was very bitter about Wagner’s sudden conversion to a somewhat aggressive Christianity as he suspected this of having been done for unworthy and self-interested motives. But I distinctly remember a remark he made to me in this connection to the effect that ‘a somewhat romantic Christianity would make Wagner happier and being him more into harmony with his true nature’…” (Pg. 70)

Later she notes, “Much of my brother’s melancholy arose from his disappointment in Wagner, who had not reached the heights he should have scaled by reason of the irritating antagonism of a contemptuous contemporary age. Nor had Wagner realized my brother’s ideal of the artist and the man. It is true that Wagner expected far too much from his ‘ideal,’ and had been led into the mistake of transforming Wagner into a sort of supernatural being as to endowment and character. He made humorous recognition of this error some years later when he wrote, ‘Such gifted creatures as I then imagined geniuses to be have never existed.” (Pg. 214)

She observes, “My brother’s amazement may, therefore, be imagined when Wagner began to speak of his religious feelings and experiences in a tone of the deepest repentance, and to confess a leaning towards the Christian dogma… My brother had the greatest possible respect for sincere, honest Christianity, but he considered it quite impossible that Wagner, the avowed atheist, should suddenly have become a naïve and pious believer. He could only regard Wagner’s alleged sudden change of heart, as having been prompted by a desire to stand well with the Christian rulers of Germany and thus further the material success of the Bayreuth undertaking.” (Pg. 294)

His sister’s lengthy commentary is alternately helpful and annoying; but this collection is indispensable for anyone who wants to know more about the relationship of these two figures. (As will be Nietzsche’s book, “The Case of Wagner.”)
The cover of the book and the main title gives you the impression that the book was put together by Friedrich Nietzsche himself. This is TOTALLY wrong ! Once you open the book you will see that it was "edited" by Elizabeth Foerster-Nietzsche, i.e. the real Nietzsche's sister. In fact, it is a narration by her, inserting in that narration some correspondance between Wagner and Nietzsche.

The reader must be warned that, unlike her brother, Elizabeth was an extreme proto-Nazi and a super anti-Semite. Later in her life, together with her husband who shared the same views, she left for Latin America to start a "pure aryan race". Germany, in their view was too infected by foreign corruptive elements (read the Jews), which made the development of such a pure race there impossible ! Pharantetically, the colony they so started in Latin America, developed into a group of totally degenerated people mainly addicted to alcohool and drugs.

Elizabeth is also known to have deformed constantly her brother's writings to make them more pallatable with her own ideology. So everything in this book is distorted with her own views. Of course, there is nothing wrong to read those views, as long as the reader is aware that they do belong to the sister and not to the real Nietzsche.

A trivial example of the sister distortions is stated by herself in the book She says that those who look into to details of the big Nietzsche vs. Wagner FIGHTS will have to look elsewhere. Her memoirs concentrate only on the "good initial times" between the two. The reader must know that Nietzsche, after an initial admiration and praise for Wagner, did turn TOTALLY against him. You can read Nietzsche on that matters in publications like "NIETZSCHE CONTRA WAGNER" and "THE CASE OF WAGNER". Nietzsche did leave the first Bayreuth RING festival in disgust, in the middle of it, sensing that the entire Wagner entreprise was turning into a celebration of proto-Nazism (yes, Nietzsche sensed that so much ahead in his time ! ), of German pure aryan race ideology and of obsessive anti-Semitism.

Again, there is nothing wrong with this publication, as long as the reader knows that the views expressed there are those of Elizabeth and that the entire correspondance between the two geants have been reviewed and edited by her.
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